On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 370 The Limit Of Letting Loose

In the sky of Ne Okozmo, a gigantic Dragon and a humanoid figure that was a tenth of the Dragon\'s size were chasing each other. The onlookers below merely looked up in disinterest before resuming their activity. Even as the booming sound produced by the Dragon\'s whipping of the humanoid figure with its tail caused the ground to shake, no one batted an eyelash. Such instances had been happening for two weeks. At this point, everyone was already accustomed.

One figure watched the scene from below with a frown marring his face. He might be the only person watching the scene intently. He was not satisfied with what he was witnessing. The two entities flying in the sky were his proteges—one of whom was even his surrogate granddaughter. His dissatisfaction was directed to one of the two entities. Of course, it wasn\'t his surrogate granddaughter.

"What in the blazing volcano is that youngling doing? It\'s been two weeks and he hasn\'t progressed even a little bit?" the observing figure, the most respected existence in Ne Okozmo, Quetzalcoatl, muttered with a sigh. "Is he only attuned to his Demonic side? I thought he was talented."

Quetzalcoatl was quite frustrated by Layland\'s growth or lack thereof. The day Layland returned to Ne Okozmo, he immediately asked Layland to seal his Demonic power. He had a suspicion that Layland\'s growth as a Dragon was not as significant as his growth as a Demon and it was proven to be true. While Layland was not weak, his Draconic power was by no means impressive without the support of his Demonic power.

Quetzalcoatl was fully aware that Layland was a Draconic Demon therefore sealing away his Demonic power was akin to handicapping him, but he also noticed how imbalanced the dynamic between the two powers was. His Demonic power far outstripped his Draconic power. It would be fine for a couple of years, but at the rate the former was growing, the latter was bound to be swallowed up. When that happened, Layland would only become a Dragon-scaled Demon.

He had initially asked Alaia to train with Layland. Alaia managed to make Layland sweat at first but immediately got herself handled. It would have been a desired result if Layland hadn\'t used wits to defeat her. He was admirable in that regard, but his Draconic power didn\'t grow. Therefore, he immediately changed Layland\'s training partner. Given that Layland already had a Spiritual Link with Aurelia, he asked her to train with Layland, hoping that Layland would grow faster. It had been two weeks, but he saw barely any growth.


Layland dropped to the ground a few Absitan away from Quetzalcoatl like a meteor. He laid motionlessly in the crater, staring at the sky with a vacant look. Quetzalcoatl appeared in his view, but he ignored the old Dragon. It was already his thirtieth fall in the week and he knew what was about to come. Seeing that, Quetzalcoatl merely sighed helplessly.

"Is Aurelia\'s guidance too hard to grasp?" the old Dragon asked softly.

"Aurelia is a splendid teacher," the Draconic Demon answered evenly. "I just don\'t understand why you are so adamant on sealing what makes me myself. I am a Draconic Demon; not a Demonic Dragon."

"What are you trying to get to me, young man?" Quetzalcoatl asked curiously, silently noticing Layland\'s frustration in mirth.

"Sealing my Demonic power annuls the point of this training. I am a Demon before a Dragon."

"I am aware of that, but you should know that at this point, you are only possessing Dragon blood but not the power. You want to get stronger, don\'t you?"

Layland lightly frowned and said nothing. Quetzalcoatl noted how expressive the young Draconic Demon had been lately. It had been close to impossible to discern what he was thinking before. Who knew his lack of growth was enough to make him show an expression? Quetzalcoatl was slightly pleased that Layland still had emotions; however, he also thought that having Layland show more gleeful expressions would have been better.


Aurelia landed on the ground in her human form. Her worried visage was facing Layland before she glared at Quetzalcoatl viciously. The old Dragon raised his hands wryly. He didn\'t chastise Layland this time, so he felt wronged. Aurelia scoffed before helping Layland sit up. She didn\'t say anything, afraid of making Layland more self-conscious. The last time she had asked if she hit too hard, the pained look in Layland\'s eyes was unbearable.

"I think we have to accept that the Dragon power is not for you…not without the help of your Demonic power," Aurelia said carefully. "You have always learned things quickly. Seeing you struggle to grasp the concept of utilizing pure Draconic power makes me feel sad for you."

"No, it\'s not that," Layland countered firmly, making Aurelia wonder if she had accidentally offended him. "I have grasped the concept…but I am afraid to use the power."

"Huh? Are you saying you have been holding back until now?" Quetzalcoatl butted in incredulously. "What in the blazing hell are you talking about? Don\'t you know the purpose of this training!?"

"Calm down, gramps! Layland must have his reason," Aurelia chastised, looking at Quetzalcoatl in exasperation.

Quetzalcoatl calmed himself down and looked at the young Draconic Demon expectantly. Aurelia had a point. He had to see, however, if this reason that Layland had made sense. If Layland said anything along the lines of how he was afraid of killing his opponent, he would beat Layland senselessly. That was by words, of course. He didn\'t dare mess with Layland with Aurelia around.


"Every time I am about to use that power, my Demonic power is triggered. It feels like pulling the thread of a blue balloon, but all of the red balloons also follow," Layland explained. "I can\'t seem to separate the power."

Quetzalcoatl mused about the answer before looking at Layland curiously. "Why have you never used it?"

"You say that—"

"The real reason, young man."

"I would lose myself if I use it."

Quetzalcoatl snorted faintly in amusement. He crossed his hands and observed the young Draconic Demon\'s face which was framed by Dragon scales. The look of conviction on Layland\'s face made him sigh helplessly. \'So that\'s why he is afraid,\' he noted mentally. He was not that surprised to hear that out of Layland\'s mouth. He had heard of what Layland had almost done to Ddraig from Albion. She joked that she was grateful for Layland because he had managed to shy Ddraig away but also hinted that she had worried Layland could kill Ddraig.

To be afraid of one\'s power was something that someone would do after that power took someone\'s life unintentionally. Humans with a large Mana Pool often suffered from the syndrome. In their case, they would quickly get over it because of the depressing reality that their power was not much in front of Demons and the geniuses from the other races. Layland was, however, a Demon. He had a reason to be afraid of his power.

The Great Reset was caused by the war between the Ancient Gods and Demons. Dragons indeed had a hand in that nightmarish war, but it wasn\'t much compared to the Demons\' involvement. They had even opted out of the war once they realized their population was declining at an alarming rate. Demons were terrifying. If a Demon was afraid of his power, the world had to be prepared for the storm that the power would bring.

"Enlighten me on this. You can use your Demonic power and not lose control but will lose control when you want to use your pure Draconic power?" Quetzalcoatl inquired in mild bewilderment.

"That\'s that the problem. You want me to use pure Draconic power," Layland pointed out. "The essence of my power is seated deep within me. My Draconic Essence has mixed with my Demonic Essence, so if I want to use it, I will have to use my Demonic Essence too."

"You use Demonic Essence to assume your True Form, right? I\'ve seen you in it and I don\'t think you are losing it."

"It has never been my True Form."

Quetzalcoatl choked on his breath but managed to conceal it. His astonishment was still visible, though. He couldn\'t help but look at Layland as if he was a world-ending abomination. The boy had been intimidating people with his mere presence but still said that it was not his full power. He dreaded how fearsome Layland would be but also was giddy about it.

"I have decided. Let\'s let loose," he declared.

"Your world won\'t be able to stand it," Layland reasoned.

"Bahaha! You underestimate Ne Okozmo too much!"

Layland looked at Quetzalcoatl sceptically but eventually acquiesced. He stood up and then told Quetzalcoatl to take him to the battlefield. Quetzalcoatl flicked his finger. The space distorted briefly and they found themselves in a seemingly endless desert. Layland looked around sharply as if trying to find anyone nearby. He nodded in satisfaction a few seconds later. Turning to Aurelia, he told her to step back. She obeyed wordlessly, causing Quetzalcoatl to cry silently.

"Whenever you are ready, young man," Quetzalcoatl stated.

Layland took a deep breath before releasing it. He stared at Quetzalcoatl deeply as if warning him to not underestimate him. The old Dragon merely smirked, but the smirk was immediately dropped in the next moment. Layland\'s Mana pressure became ten times heavier than it initially was and kept soaring. His face was bereft of any emotion and his eyes spoke destruction. Quetzalcoatl could barely consider him a living being.

"Never think about outstripping me in power," Layland spoke evenly. "You won\'t defeat me unless you can disintegrate my body in one attack."

Quetzalcoatl was about to reply when any hint of a living being left Layland\'s existence. Layland had become the manifestation of destruction.

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