A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 835 Outcome Of The Northern Assault

"Not great." Eldrian replied, pausing as he watched the vampire\'s reaction. "We managed to save Elomir, but Blenar was not so lucky..."

"When the enemy arrived, the gates were open and the towers non-functional..." He paused again, trying to read her expression. "From what I\'ve heard, they survived thanks to the reinforcements being prioritized to them. But the cost was a hefty one."

"You need not worry. I have promised to be your ally, and I meant it." Levana said, noting the look Eldrian was giving her as he talked. "If you wish, I do not mind signing a new contract to state as much."

"S-sure..." Eldrian decided to rather ask her for some information than force a contract. "Then, can you affirm the vampires will not move to attack the kingdom?"

Eldrian would have loved to stay and help more in the north, or move to the west to scout out the monster army crossing the mountains. He had also noted a smaller force moving around the mountains to Livadi. But the message he got through Erik from the duke was to prioritize the south.

"I promise you we do not wish for this war, however..."

"Are you being forced to act?"

"Indeed, those behind our lands want us to move. We naturally are wary of committing to a war as they might attack as from behind. They\'ve already demanded we allow their armies to move through our lands, so we are on high alert. Sadly, we cannot refuse them access..."

Sadly, Eldrian and those he was sided with knew little of the power dynamics of their enemies. Eldrian was sure the king had to be more informed. Pelaros, sadly, knew little of their circumstances. Having never formed a dialogue with them.

This was something Eldrian found peculiar. Circumstances had aligned, allowing him to talk Levana down and also start a dialogue. Sure, it was not easy and had taken planning. But surely others must have tried. He found it strange that there had never been much success.

Then again, most focused on the age-old feud between the races. Wishing to destroy the vampires who had killed their grandparents and parents.

Of course, in recent times, the feud had died down as the kingdom abandoned the land next to the drylands. But it still existed in the heart of the masses as horror stories. Painting vampires as terrible monsters who destroyed villages and cities alike in simple blood filled lust.

Noting Eldrian\'s silence, Levana explained their circumstances in a bit more depth. "You see, the previous Lord died not too long ago."

"Oh?" This was a first for Eldrian hearing of it.

"Yes. This happened around a year ago, and while one of my uncles has more or less claimed control of his drylands, it is not a peaceful rule. As you can imagine, waging war while there is civil unrest at home is something he would want to avoid at all costs. Especially since we cannot trust our neighbors. "

"Mmm... But is it even up to him to decide so?" Eldrian understood there were more at hand than just kingdoms deciding to wage war.

After all, this involved the gods and the devils who worked in the shadows. Especially their legends. If one of them commanded the drylands to fight, it could not refuse unless it had its own powerhouse to protect them. Which Eldrian doubted they had.

"My family hates taking orders from the devils. The previous lord, however, was too cowardly to stand against them."

"And the current isn\'t?"

Levana smiled, showing the tips of her fangs as she did. "He has plenty of excuses to buy time."

\'Which means he is the same, but better at giving excuses?\'

"Mmm..." Turning to Myropsis, Eldrian hoped she might have some more insight.

"We can assume they will not act for a while. And..." Myropsis paused and looked at Levana. The two had a rocky start, but with time as Myropsis kept an eye on the vampire, she had grown to come to understand her.

The biggest surprise was that Levana was not a bloodthirsty monster. Indeed, she needed to drink blood to stay fed. But she could go for a long time without, though she would become weakened if she did so. For now, Levana would leave the fort once a week.

While Myropsis did not know whether her feeding ended up killing her victim, she could accept the reality of the situation. Levana did not do so for pleasure. It was simply how she was biologically programmed.

Or perhaps it was better to say this was how magic had altered her and all the other vampires. They could no longer survive on plants and meat, requiring blood from living sources.

But that alone did not make her a monster. Or so Myropsis had come to think of it after spending time with the vampire.  "She is not happy with how things are developing."

Raising an eye, Eldrian assumed this meant she might be gathering a faction of her own. "And, can you do anything about it?"

Still smiling, Levana nodded. "I\'m still weak, so I can\'t oppose my uncles directly. But I have some connections. Besides, no one wishes for death. Some kingdoms might be forced to fight because of divine intervention, but we do not count among them."

Nodding, Eldrian felt he understood. He certainly could not count on them as allies, but for now, he could consider them a neutral faction. At least, until the new king of the drylands firmly took his throne.

"That is good enough, I guess." Eldrian mumbled. "I also heard that the tower is near completion."

Nodding as they moved towards said tower, Myropsis took up the explanation. "We\'ve completed the tower itself and the basic arrays it requires to function as one. The formation master from the capital will arrive soon to complete the tower."

"Alright, I need to be there when that happens. So I\'m glad it is all falling into place." Eldrian was sure some strings had been pulled to rush the construction. Especially with getting the specialist to complete it.

\'Probably because they really don\'t want the vampires joining in the attack when we are already fighting on three fronts,\' Eldrian thought.

Having a neutral place to talk would certainly slow down the possibility of war, and hopefully inform the kingdom when others were coming for war through the vampires\' lands.

"We are extremely grateful for your help." Penthine said, smiling as she spoke to the guild leaders. They were currently in her office, talking over some tea and refreshments.

"It is our pleasure to offer our assistance." Tephysea, the leader of Dryadalis, said. Her speech was formal and her smile as fake as possible.

"Indeed, it was an honor to be of assistance." Shadow jumped in, trying his best to curry favor with the mayor. Followed next by Sophie, then Allure, and lastly, Rose.

Turning between Elizabeth and Robert, the mayor appeared confused, as they have yet to speak.

"We are busy with the relief effort, but we cannot stay too long. Blenar is in far worse condition and requires our help more than Elomir." Elizabeth spoke frankly, skipping formalities and wearing her emotions plainly on her face. "Please get to the point of why you summoned us. I dislike wasting time."

"Oh my, you\'re much like him, aren\'t you?"

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