The Empress' Livestream

Chapter 444 - Fear Not The Cost, Just Buy! (I)

Chapter 444: Fear Not The Cost, Just Buy! (I)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The North borderline was a vast area, and not heavily populated. Moreover, wars occurred yearly, and life was hard for the people.

For the past twenty years, the imperial family of the North, under the advice of the Sages tribe, had agreed to examine and cultivate their character. They were determined to encourage their citizens to reproduce and have descendants, actively open new properties, and do business with merchants from other countries.

Without a doubt that was the correct political strategy, as the tribes of the North borderline were bustling and full of excitement, their country strong onat all fronts.

They launched a surprise attack at the borders of Dongqing ten years previous, thereby occupying Chongzhou, Shangyu county and its three cities. This made bold the fighting spirit of the soldiers from the North borders, until they feared no one. They even assumed they possessed the ultimate power in the central plains to dominate the land.

After all, Dongqing was too weak at present, they absolutely could not withstand warhorses trampling them. They would surely meet their doom soon.

The Sages in the Northern tribes understood this and continuously hit roadblocks, this mildly restrained the arrogance and shallowness of the North borderline.

In recent years, Princess An Yina has been stirring trouble, and the political scene in Dongqing was getting confusing. The country’s sovereignty has also decreased exponentially. Dongqing was already fallen in the eyes of the North borderline, and they were just awaiting their King’s order to march forward and conquer Dongqing.

Under such circumstances, the King of the North borders could not avoid arrogance, his imperial power having soared and stabilized. The wise strategies offered by the Sages tribe were ignored, and ignited the King’s displeasure. The air of superficial pride influenced the whole of the North borders.

Wu Liba, the strategist for the North border tribe of Sages, appeared to be impulsive but was actually a meticulous strategist.

He sensed the potential threat of superficial hubris within the North borderline, he admonished the King of the North borders.

No matter how weak Dongqing had become, it was still one of the five strongest territories in the central plains. It had adequate abilities to meet their enemies.

Since times past, had examples of arrogant armies’ failures ever fallen short? Regardless of whatever allusion Wu Liba drew, the King of the North borderline didn’t care, and even admonished him sternly and reprimanded him. Under such circumstances, Wu Liba was both worried and disappointed.

There was nothing to be afraid of. He was just cautious that the North borderline would be elated over a small success and become arrogant and complacent, and not take their enemies seriously.

Just that day, the King had told him off because he petitioned honestly for him to order his officials and people not to spend so extravagantly. They should do away with the habit of showing off their wealth. He aired his views without restraint and spoke from his heart, but the King only turned a deaf ear.

Wu Liba sighed. This atmosphere was indeed disadvantageous to the North borders, but he was helpless.

He couldn’t tell when it had started, and consequently, these evil practices spread throughout the North borders.

With a fire in his bosom, Wu Liba was exhausted physically and mentally as he headed home. A few slaves turned female servants went forth to serve him.

Having waited for half a day, and his wife nowhere to be seen, he knitted his thick and sharp ended brows tightly, and his displeasure was apparent.

Facing his rough and uncultured wife, he seriously had no interest in her. Yet this marriage was fought for by his elders for his sake because his wife’s family ran a big business and was known for their wealth in the North borders. He was a warrior who fought wars and needed his wife’s generous support to supply the rations required. From that point of view, Wu Liba was still able to tolerate his wife.

But, as for men, particularly men of the North borderlines, who didn’t desire for their brash wives to be gentle and submissive?

Even Wu Liba was not spared from this thought. He was very possessive of her, and had a deep desire to control her.

If someday he returned to his mansion and didn’t see her, his mood would become very dejected.

The North borderline did not hold a woman’s chastity in high regard. There was no loyalty between husband and wife. If a wife was dissatisfied with her husband or ceased to love him, she could just turn her back on him to have an affair or keep a pretty man.

Wu Liba claimed he was well-versed in the culture of the central plains, so naturally, he could not accept his wife having an affair.

If his wife disappeared from his line of vision, he would be paralyzed with worry, convinced she was out cavorting with some handsome creature.

His displeasure apparent, he asked his servant girl angrily, “Where did the lady go?”

The servant girl answered trembling in fear, “Madam and some noble ladies went out and will be back in about four hours.”

Hearing this, he became more dispirited, and snapped, “Lead the way, let’s go and have a look.”

His wife was naturally rough and uncivilizsed;, he could not imagine that spending time with other ladies would improve her manners.

Presently, Wu Liba’s wife was strolling the streets and spending extravagantly.

Indeed, strolling the streets.

Her style of shopping was characterizsed by buying only the most expensive, but not the best. She alone could buy up all the items offered on the street.

Her parents were wealthy, and the North borderline held women in very high regard. Thus, the one thing Madam Wu Liba didn’t lack was money. Moreover, her husband was the esteemed general of the North borders, hailing from the tribe of Sages, so he was well respected, and even the King of the North borderline accorded him high honors.

Madam Wu Liba’s life could not be any more comfortable. She went shopping with her girlfriends when she got bored.

Now, a gaggle of wealthy ladies raised their heads expectantly, anticipating the storekeeper from the treasure house to display his precious items.

“Madams, sorry for the long wait.”

The storekeeper of the treasure house was of mixed temperament; he had the gentleness and scholarly air of men from the central plains, and the free spirit and generosity of the Northern men. If he had not been 45 years old, and already a grandfather several times over, many of the officials would be worried for their wives who frequently shopped at his store. The man was so alluring;, if one continued to shop and then he ended up sleeping with their wife, it would be devastating.

Shops often sold illegal, precious, and limited-edition items; this was also the favorite place of the wealthy in the North borderline. That’s because the items sold were of high quality and expensive enough.

He held a small case in both hands. His rather thin lips conjured an elegant tone, pleasing to the ears. These wealthy ladies who dared pin their husbands down and beat them, usually as soon as they shouted, could be heard from miles away. Yet before this captivating middle-aged gentleman, they portrayed their lady-like disposition, patiently waiting for him to open the small case and show them the precious and rare items.

“These are exquisite glassware. Please take a look, esteemed ladies.”

When they were all exhibited, the ladies focused their eyes on the items lying silently in the box. It commanded their attention entirely.

Madam Wu Liba regained her senses after a long while, and she said, “Mister storekeeper, how much do these precious things cost?”

The storekeeper replied, “This is a tea set; the workmanship is a rarity even though the price is high.”

Madam Wu Liba said jovially, “Is the storekeeper afraid that I cannot afford this?”

The storekeeper responded, “Madam must be joking, your net worth is so rich you could compete with other countries, people near and far know this. How would Madam not have the means to purchase this? Even if you cannot afford, this treasure should decrease in value for Madam and beg you to bring it away. A valuable item matches an important person. Only a graceful and glamorous one like Madam is able to bring out its value.”

She blushed, and the smile on her face brightened,. “Storekeeper sure has a way with words.”

No women dislike fancy praises. Madam Wu Liba was no exception.

The other ladies didn’t have as much money, but they still spent frivolously daily, and they too asked for the price, clamoring excitedly.

The storekeeper widened his eyes, and he gently informed them, “The quality of this item is above average, but not a high-grade item. Therefore, it is only sold for 20500 strings of coins.”

20500 strings of coins?

The cost caused doubts to arise in many of the ladies. It was not unaffordable, but they felt it was a little too expensive.

Madam Wu Liba’s concern was not the cost. “Why don’t you show me the best you have?”

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