Lord Summoner's Freedom Philosophy: Grimoire of Love

Chapter 86 The Aftermath Of The Goblin King Subjugation (1) The Announcement

In the city of mercenaries and merchants, Arkansas, most of the population is currently strolling around the perimeter of the grand plaza. Today, the city council and the guildmaster of the mercenary guild will be announcing the mercenaries with the best accomplishment and most kills on the goblin subjugation.

The residents and tourists are present to see famous mercenaries with an excited look, the merchants are scouting for mercenaries they could sponsor and for them to commission, the mercenaries are obviously waiting to see how much they are going to get paid, while those from different backgrounds and powerhouses came with their own respective motives.

There are even the mercenary guild\'s staffs that are standing with their eyes with an obvious look of sleep deprivation. They must have worked nonstop to count and list the amount of the goblins the mercenaries registered and reported to them for their rewards.

Knowing how there will be lots of people interested, the council and the mercenary guild agreed to make the announcement of the war\'s result in the middle of the grand plaza. With the stalls and merchants paying some percentage to them for selling at the plaza, there will be a return of income for them even after handing out the rewards from the goblin king subjugation.

"We will now announce the result of the war!"

"""----!!!!!!!""" The people cheered in response to the guildmaster\'s loud words.

After the cheers calmed down, a single woman from the guild that seems to be going to be the announcer walked on top of the podium holding a big scroll.

"For every goblin killed, the reward given will be 5 silvers! One red goblin variant slain will be rewarded 2 big silvers! One hobgoblin slain will be rewarded 10 big silver! One red hobgoblin variant will be rewarded 40 big silver! One goblin champion will be rewarded 10 gold coins! One red goblin champion variant will be rewarded 20 gold coins! One black goblin champion variant will be rewarded 50 gold coins!"

"--------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The cheers got even louder after the rewards from the subjugation are announced.

The cheers are obviously from the excited mercenaries, from their families that came to witness the announcement of the rewards, and from the residents and tourists that also got excited because of the rewards.

"Not only that!! The person in the third rank with the greatest achievements will be given an additional 50 gold coins!! The second rank will be given an additional 100 gold coins!! While the person with the most kills and the slayer of the goblin king will be rewarded 200 gold coins and a special bonus from the council and the other sponsors!!"

The amount of gold the mercenary city will be handing out as a reward sounds grand, but it wouldn\'t even damage their business the slightest bit. There are thousands of merchants in this city with a population of people that surpassed 50,000.

Not only the city council and the guild, but there are sponsored golds from small to big merchants, and from the Astellia Kingdom as well. It\'s not surprising that the amount of reward will be this big.

With the rewards exceeding the rewards from the great martial tournaments on other kingdoms, the one who slain the goblin king and killed the most of the goblins from the subjugation would have a fortune as much as the assets of a big noble with a large territory.

"Starting from the third greatest!! The Leader of the Brave Rings Mythril-ranked mercenary party, Borton the War Troll!!!!!"


"Not only did he take command of the main army in the middle of the battle and magnificently defeat the army of goblins with absolute brilliance! He also killed a dozen of goblin champions and hundreds of goblins together with his party!! With a total of 10 goblin champions, 4 red goblin champion variants, 40 red hobgoblin variants, 65 hobgoblins, 213 red goblin variants, and 452 goblins!! The total reward given to him will be 259 gold coins!!!"

Thunderous claps followed the announcement.

"259 gold coins... Just how many years without work could I do with that much of money..."

"He really make it big, didn\'t he... I wonder how many my husband made..."

"If I marry him, I\'ll definitely get a luxurious living!!"

Borton went to the podium and stands at the place prepared for the winners while the audience focused their gaze on his figure.

"The second greatest!! The beautiful war goddess from the Valkyries Mythril ranked party, Surena the Dancing Gale!!! Not only did she leads the elite group to went straight to the goblin king\'s lair filled with strong monsters! She also killed 32 goblin champions, 15 red goblin champion variants, 120 red hobgoblin variants, 212 hobgoblin variants, 422 red goblin variants, and 600 goblins!!"

"The total of reward given to the Dancing Gale is a staggering amount of 800 gold!!"

An even louder cheers appeared from the crowd. At first, they were cheering for the staggering amount of reward she will be getting, but when she entered the podium, the cheers from the crowd changed from the focus to the reward towards the beautiful warrior before them.

"S-she\'s the dancing gale? I\'ve heard that she\'s beautiful, but to think that such a strong warrior could be this beautiful..."

"800 gold and a beauty... Which man wouldn\'t want her..."

"I wonder if I could be her..."

Voices of admiration and respect, and gasps because of her entrance sounded throughout the plaza. Surena didn\'t walk like a weak flower, but she walks firmly and her steps are resolute befitting a veteran mercenary. But even so, there is still a hint of elegance in her movement, and her beauty could not be denied.

"Now for the last one. The man that appeared in the city very unexpectedly, the man that raised through ranks in a blink of an eye, the man that not only killed the goblin king, but he killed most of the goblins inside the goblin king\'s lair as well!!"

Everyone gulped as they focused their eyes to search for the one who will be going up to the podium next.

"The man killed 5 black goblin champion variants! 45 red goblin champion variants! 90 goblin champions! 280 red hobgoblin variants! 450 hobgoblins! 600 red goblins! And massacred more than 900 goblins!! The reward for this man is a tremendous amount of 2800 gold!!!! He\'s The strongest rookie!!"


Even louder cheers break out within the audience.

"I heard that he killed a goblin champion in one sweep!"

"My cousin said that he saw him strangling the neck of two goblin champions with his bare arms!"

"I heard from my husband that he even made the Valkyries into his harem!!"

"That strong and beautiful Dancing Gale and her comrades!? He must be very strong then!!"

"Yeah. And according to the rumor, he\'s a great mana user!"

"Ohh!! Then he\'s a magic fighter!! A magic knight or a magic swordsman then!!"

"I don\'t know. But the rumors said that he possesses a magic powerful enough to wipe out almost half of the goblins inside the goblin king\'s lair!!"

"He must be very strong then..."

"I wonder what he looks like..."

As the audience gossiped with each other, the announcer didn\'t stop her announcement.

"We welcome you, the man that hadn\'t even registered for 10 days in the mercenary guild!! The first man that became a Mythril-ranked mercenary in less than 10 days!! Evocatore, the Devil Mercenary!!!!!"

As the announcer shouted, the audience cheered as they wait for the man called Evocatore to appear and went on top of the podium.

But after several seconds, no one seems to be approaching the podium.

The crowd started to murmur to each other, the announcer got confused, and the city council asked the guildmaster for an explanation, but those who know about the guildmaster remained silent with a smile on their faces.

"What is the meaning of this, guildmaster? We\'ll lose face if he didn\'t appear here!" One of the city councils didn\'t hide his anger as he questioned the guildmaster.

"There\'s no need to worry," The guildmaster said without showing any sign of agitation.

"What do you mean there is nothing to worry about!? We\'re-"

"He\'ll come- No, I guess he\'s already here," With a sharp look and a fearless smile on his face, the guildmaster stared at the podium with his sharp eyes.

"It seems that the-" (Announcer)


A raging flame suddenly appeared beside Surena, surprising the audience and the city council. But even though the flames are huge enough, Surena doesn\'t seem to be affected or even bothered by the flame.

Not long after, the flame disappeared, leaving a single man clad in a black cloak and a hood that covered his identity.

"I\'m Evocatore," The man said. His voice resounded throughout the place that went silent because of his sudden appearance.

"Y-You are...?" (Announcer)

"Don\'t hide your identity! How could we know that you are the one mentioned!?" One of the city councils angrily stated as he points at him.

"I, Surena, the leader of the Valkyries, certified that he\'s the real Evocatore and not someone else. Isn\'t it right, guildmaster?" (Surena)

"You\'re right," (Guildmaster)


"Yes. He\'s Evocatore. The one and only one, that is," (Guildmaster)


Name: Lyan Arkanium Evocatore

Occupation: Gold-ranked Mercenary

Money: 49,722,400 Elnes

Weapon: None

Equipment: Black leather cloak, Leather Armor, 1 (Decent) One-handed Sword, 2 (Good-Quality) One-handed swords, 2 Health Potions, 2 Poison Vials

Grimoire\'s Companions: 8 High Spirits, 1 Valkyrie, Shadow Goblin Lord (Lv. 5), Papilio Slime, Galewing Butterfly, Rock Golem (Lv. 50), Deadlight (Lv. 63), Moonlight Butterfly, Ice Golem (Lv. 50)

Grimoire\'s Army: 6 Shadow Servants, 800 Skeleton Army

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