Cultivation Pet Shop

347 Chapter 347

Lin Fan was a cautious person by nature, even if his split personality did make him a bit impulsive at times.

He had learned about the upper realm factions before even coming to the upper realm, so he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

The Hunters Organization was also defined by a third thing and that was money.

They dealt with the most elite people since Hunters needed clients and only the most elite clients could pay for their services. Naturally, the services they provided weren\'t cheap since they were the best of the best, so people were happy to pay this large amount.

Only a small amount went to the Hunters Organization, but just that small amount was already enough to make the Hunters Organization the third richest faction of the twelve factions.

Of course the richest faction was the Alchemy King Hall.

No matter where one went in this cultivation world, the most lucrative job would always be alchemy.

Then it was followed by the Beast King Hall, which was the upper realm faction that was behind the Monster Trainer Union, which was also one of the twelve factions.

This was a faction that was dedicated to training pets, so in this pet based cultivation world, training pets would definitely be a lucrative job as well.

If only a small amount going to the Hunters Organization was enough for it to become the third richest, one could imagine just how much the Hunters themselves were making. That was why Lin Fan wanted to join this organization.

It was the quickest way to earn money and the title of a Hunter would be helpful in his future endeavors, but mainly, Lin Fan was confident in his own abilities.

But before he could become a Hunter, Lin Fan had to become a Seeker first.

The only way to qualify for the yearly Hunter exam was to become one of the top Seekers.

It would take too much effort for the Hunters Organization to vet all the various applicants, so they chose to do it in a very simple manner. Only those that were at the top of the Seekers Guild board at the end of each year would qualify to join the Hunters exam.

That meant that all the Hunters that were a part of the Hunters Organization had been a Seeker at one point, but that didn\'t mean that all Seekers could become Hunters.

After all, the Hunters Organization was a gathering of the elite and the Seekers Guild was just a way for anyone to make money.

So with this mindset, Lin Fan headed off to the Seekers Guild.

The Seekers Guild in the upper realm was different from in the lower realm.

The Seekers Guild in the lower realm worked with the Union Government since the Union Government was the organization that ran the Blue Star Planet, but that wasn\'t the case in the Galactic Humanity Alliance. Here, there was a council that was made up of the twelve factions that ran the joint, which meant that there wasn\'t a single government for the Seekers Guild to work with.

Not to mention that the Seekers Guild did serve one of the factions of the council, which meant that they couldn\'t just listen to the entire council. The Hunters Organization wasn\'t dumb enough to let everyone put a finger in their pie.

When Lin Fan entered the Seekers Guild building in Harmony City, he was greeted with quite a sight.

There were people sitting at tables set up all over the lobby and most of them had drinks in their hands. There were even a few that were straight out fighting with each other, starting drunken brawls.

This place didn\'t seem like the same Seekers Union that was organized on the Blue Star Planet, rather this place seemed like a pub more than anything, but this was also something that filled Lin Fan with a bit of excitement. He had read about this scene in many isekai novels, it was the basis of all adventures…

This place was exactly like the adventurers guild!

Ignoring all the fighting that was going around him, Lin Fan headed right to the counter in the center of the room where there was a beautiful receptionist waiting for him.

It was just like the novels that he read. Maybe that would mean that one day, this receptionist and him…

But before his thoughts could wander anymore, there was a chill that suddenly came from behind him.

He didn\'t even need to turn around to know who this cold look was coming from, but it definitely woke him up from his fantasy. It was so cold that it almost felt like he had been frozen alive, causing a chill to run down his back.

Lin Fan revealed an awkward smile when he felt this, but he didn\'t have time to turn around to address it since the receptionist had also noticed him.

She was about to say something, but then when she saw Lin Fan\'s face, she immediately swallowed those words back.

It took her a full three seconds before her professionalism came into effect and she said with a smile, "How can I help you today?" Of course, the smile on her face was much brighter compared to before.

Lin Fan also revealed a smile as he said, "My companions and I would like to register as seekers. Can you help us with that?"

The receptionist immediately took out a form and said, "Please fill out this form." Then after a pause, she added, "There\'s also a fee of one spirit stone."

Lin Fan revealed a wry smile at this.

He was about to take out his last spirit stone when he heard the receptionist say, "Each."

The smile on Lin Fan\'s face froze at this.

He only had a single spirit stone on him, so he wouldn\'t be able to pay this and he didn\'t want to keep asking Momonga for more spirit stones. Even if they were close, it just didn\'t feel right.

So Lin Fan fixed his smile as he said, "Miss, can you tell me what the conversion rate for crystals to spirit stones is?"

The receptionist had turned around to deal with something and when she turned back to see Lin Fan\'s smile, the smile on her face froze.

Lin Fan was handsome, there was no doubt about that, but when he smiled…

That smile had sent a chill down her back and every nerve in her body told her that this man was a scammer, but still, she had her professionalism.

The receptionist gave a soft cough before saying, "Sir, the current exchange rate is two hundred crystals for a single spirit stone."

Lin Fan let out an internal sigh of relief when he heard this. It was a good thing that this was still a price that he could pay, but of course, it was slowly chipping away at his savings.

He had only brought a thousand crystals with him since that was all he could fit and he had thought that it would be a large amount, but now it seemed like it was nothing.

Lin Fan shed a tear on the inside as he took out four hundred crystals as well and said, "I didn\'t bring enough spirit stones with me today, is it alright if I pay in crystals?"

Normally this receptionist would have chased anyone who wanted to pay like this away, but it was different today. After all, the one in front of her really was too handsome.

She leaned in to collect the crystals and she didn\'t forget to brush her hand against Lin Fan\'s arm before saying, "We don\'t normally do this, but I\'ll make an exception just for you." Of course, when she moved away, she also didn\'t forget to throw a wink in Lin Fan\'s direction.

It didn\'t take her long to finish the registration for the three of them.

Once she was done, she came back with three simple cards for them.

She just put the other two cards on the table for the others to take, but as for Lin Fan, she made sure to personally hand it over to him. Along with the card, there was also an extra piece of paper that she was passing him.

She leaned in and said, "This is my number, you can call me when you have some free time."

But as soon as her voice fell, there was a sudden slap that came from the counter beside her that created a net like pattern across the pattern. It could be seen from the damage just how strong this slap was.

The receptionist was so scared that she took two steps back and almost stumbled over as she looked in the direction of the sound.

There she saw the most beautiful female face that she had ever seen, so beautiful that even she had to admit defeat even though she knew that she was also quite beautiful…

That beautiful face had a cold look on it as she said, "He\'s busy."

Then Angela took Lin Fan by the hand and pulled him away.

The receptionist patted her heart to calm herself down since even though this was the upper realm, her cultivation was only in the Gold Realm.

Momonga revealed a faint smile before coming forward to take his card as well and saying, "I\'m sorry about that, you know how some girls are."

Then without waiting for a response, he followed the two of them.

On the balcony above the counter on the second floor, there was someone leaning over looking at the state of the counter. After a few seconds, their lips curled and they said, "Interesting."

After their voice fell, this figure completely disappeared from the spot.

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