How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 830 - 831 Panic Konak

Chapter 830: Chapter 831 Panic Konak

In the hall, the high-rise buildings of Konak Utopia gathered, and the Konak people sitting on the head asked, "When will it happen?"

"Just now, we lost contact with all the front-line fighters..." A senior management replied.

This is amazing bad news. In order to fight against the collectors, Konak Utopia has invested nearly 60% of the battle group.

I thought that even if they couldn\'t beat the Amoeba, they would drag each other down, let the other party fall into a tug-of-war, and give them a buffer time for Konak as a whole.

The collector\'s attack was so sudden that Konak was always in a state of unfinished preparation for war.

In fact, the behavior of the collectors is easy to understand. After all, they will not stand foolishly and wait for the preparation for the completion of the Konak Utopia War to collect and attack. The principle that soldiers will never get tired of fraud will never be out of date.

Another senior management continued to report, "The battle is very fierce, and the severity is rare in the history of Utopia. The number of killed is more than 90%. I\'m afraid that the front-line fighters have..."

When he reported later, the high-level prediction stopped. What he wanted to say later, even if he didn\'t finish speaking, many people present could guess.

The Konak on the first seat issued an order, "I want to know specific information about sending a small scout team to explore the battlefield."

"Yes, we will start to arrange it immediately." A senior executive answered.

I don\'t know how long it has been discussed. Suddenly, a soldier rushed in from the outside and reported truthfully to the top officials of Conak Utopia present.

"Report--! The soldiers have returned safely!"

"Oh? Take the lead immediately!"

The faces of the senior officials changed. They hurriedly got up and asked the soldiers to lead the way.

They quickly arrived at the spaceport and saw several scattered Konak Utopia soldiers standing covered in blood. In addition to these people, there was also a Konak lying on a stretcher.

The senior officials of Conak Utopia present recognized the identity of the other party at a glance. It was the marshals who set out not long ago to lead the plurality of soldiers!

"What\'s wrong with him? How did it happen? Win or lose?"

Some senior officials asked anxiously that it doesn\'t matter whether the marshal is dead or not, and it doesn\'t matter what the soldiers are injured. They are more concerned about the war situation and whether the two star systems can be regained.


The soldiers wanted to report something, but the words became more and more vague, and finally they fainted straight.

"Medical nurse! Medical nurse! Take them to the treatment!" The lord of Conak Utopia led by high-level officials shouted.

When a soldier who returned from the battlefield woke up again, he found that he was in a treatment facility, and the person sitting next to him was the supreme power of Conak Utopia - the Lord of the State.

"Warrior, I want to know the situation on the front line as soon as possible." When the lord saw the soldiers wake up, the first sentence was not to ask for warmth, but to know the situation on the front line.

"I\'m very sorry, Lord, we have failed your expectations. We have been defeated and completely defeated." The soldier answered with extreme shame.

However, with his injuries, no one can blame him at all. He is just lucky to survive, and those unlucky warriors will always become organic waste floating in space.

The soldier can\'t wait to report everything to the Lord.

"I\'m afraid you can\'t believe that those Amibas, who can even kill the existence in the old ancient seal, destroy it with just one blow. The Amoeba are not only as simple as sealing the use of the spiritual realm. They are too dangerous and horrible for Utopia. We, we..."

I don\'t know why, the soldier couldn\'t go on. It seemed that something stuck in his throat, and even his tone trembled a little.

The Lord said, "Calm down. You don\'t have to force yourself to answer this immediately."

Then, the lord looked at the marshal who was lying nearby and pointed to the other party and asked the soldier doubtfully.

"Why did he become like this? The front has been extended to the rear, and even he, as the commander, has to participate in the war?

The marshal, as a commander, does not participate in the war, and there is no such thing as participating in the battle in the history of Konak Utopia.

Because the marshal\'s job is to coordinate the overall situation and game with the enemy in the general direction of the big strategy, if the marshal\'s battle affects the larger-scale strategy, it is because of small losses.

Therefore, the marshal on the front line does not exist in the history of Conak Utopia.

The warrior explained, "In the later stage of the battle, the Amoeba used powerful attacks that we could not understand. They destroyed the main sequence stars, and the defenseless soldiers were buried. Everything happened so fast that everyone had no time to react. Only we escaped because of our timely response."

"Marshal also suffered a short time unprepared because of the sudden star explosion, but even if it was only such a short time, it was enough to disintegrate the body. The reaction of the soldiers around him quickly pulled him to the spiritual realm together. Marshal was able to come down from the battlefield alive, a large part of It\'s luck."

Listening to the report of the surviving soldiers, the lord\'s face was as heavy as water, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"I know. Take a good rest."

Finally, the lord only left a message for the soldiers and turned around and left.

The solution is still to think about it. The meeting still needs to be held. Conak Utopia has no other way. At present, both worlds have fallen into the hands of the Amoeba people. I\'m afraid that the rest of the world of is very likely to have an accident.

"Go and get in touch with other peers! We can\'t continue to sit back and wait for death! The Amoeba people can capture the two worlds of Utopia probably because they have mastered all the coordinates of the Utopia territory!"

"That\'s right! The Amoeba people are so horrible that they can\'t deal with the current Utopia!"

"But who can we contact? They may not be willing to lend us a helping hand.

"You have to look for it. If you can pull one, so many peers, there will always be comrades-in-arms who are willing to stand on the same front with us."

The senior management expressed your ideas in one word, and a response plan for Amoeba has gradually been improved.

"We can start with the coordination meeting. They have been grudged with the Amoeba people for a long time in the past and are in danger. If we are destroyed, they will never escape. The success rate of negotiations on the same front will be very high."

Then, the senior management continued to supplement it.

"And the same is true for the grazingers. Their servant Zerg were invaded by the Amyeba and lost a large number of territories. Now they can\'t even find a trace. It is also a contradiction with the Amyeba. The probability of success of the negotiation should be second to the coordination committee."

The plan of Konak Utopia has finally been finalized - pulling as many peers as possible to unite to deal with the great threat of the Amabas.

The plan will be reviewed by the state owner and then finalized.

"That\'s it. Build ties with other peers immediately and ask them for help to solve the invasion crisis of the Amoeba." Lord\'s Road.

The state owner added, "In addition, when asking for help, try to expand the loss of Utopia and promote the horror of the Amoeba people, which may increase the success rate."

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