How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 686 - 687 Things Falling from the Sky

Chapter 686: Chapter 687 Things Falling from the Sky

The two armies clashed and roared with drums. They were originally creatures of the same species. Because of the different individuals they were loyal to, they regarded each other as enemies. The two armies fighting would like to pluck each other\'s bones and drink blood and meat. If they could put each other into 18 layers of hell, they would not hesitate to do it.



Shouting to kill the sky, the Chao Army and the two major armies of the Mang Army met after a short charge. The front line stretched nearly two kilometers. The cold and awe-blooded melee weapons also began to drink the enemy\'s blood from this moment. At this moment, the violent roar and painful wailing filled the whole battlefield, and the blood of both sides soaked the earth under their feet. For example, another brightly colored dye was splashed on the picture scroll, and the flying dust caused by the fight between the two sides even led to a slight decrease in visibility.

On the battlefield, because the Chao army is more elite and knows how to cooperate with the battle array, and the elite dilution caused by the large-scale expansion of the army, the Chao army has firmly controlled the dominant position of the battlefield since the confrontation, and the losses of the reckless army are much greater than that of the Chao army.

However, the advantage is not directly related to victory or defeat. Although the Mang army was killed by the Chao army on the battlefield, in the view of the higher command class, the Mang army ate the Chao army to death. The defeat of the Chao army is only a matter of time.

The Mang army does not need to be in a hurry to distinguish the victory or defeat with the Chao army in a small battle. They just need to delay the Chao army. As long as the time is long enough, the reinforcements on the Mang army will arrive. At that time, the Chao army will face the situation of being defeated by the enemy.

Therefore, as long as the generals of the Chao army are brainless and can\'t distinguish the winner in a short time, they have to choose to withdraw, and as long as the Chao army begins to withdraw, it means that the Mang army has won the victory of this battle.

After seeing the anxious battle situation, the generals who would have agreed with the battle were all dissatisfied and handed their eyes to the wise master, but they did not attack because of the palace.

In the view of these Chao generals, the failure of this battle is directly related to the survival of the Chao army in the future. The timing of the battlefield is fleeting, and the Chao army has invested time in this battle, which means that the siege of the Mang army will begin to shrink at this time. The smaller the siege shrinks, the more difficult it is to break through. If the Chao army fails in this battle and wants to break through the Xijiang River, I\'m afraid it will not be as easy as when it made a plan before.

"Wise master, is this the reversal you said?"

In the tent of the Tide military camp that day, Enliao, a general who was scolded by the wise master in public, sneered at the wise master without saying a word.


The wise master didn\'t say a word, but just stared at the battle situation on the simple sand table and the battlefield.

After a while, The general loyal to the Chaojun Hall took the initiative to stand up and pleaded with the hall, "The Hall! Please order the withdrawal! The Mang army intends to delay our army. Once the other blocked troops of the Mang army react, our army will definitely be destroyed!"

No matter how elite they are, in the face of enemies several times more than themselves, they are ultimately difficult to beat the four-handed. This is the generals who gallop on the battlefield know better than anyone else, and it is also the reason why they look down on the wise teacher. In their view, the wise master is just a layman, and no matter how strategic he is, it is just a paper talk and applied it to practice. It\'s full of flaws.

On the battlefield, the confrontation between the two armies can be described as tragic. Cold weapons are not like hot weapons. Hot weapons can kill the enemy at a long distance. If you don\'t mention the number of deaths in the war, hot weapons are quite \'sven\'. Cold weapons are hand-to-hand combat with knives and blood. The beastly and ferocity of fighting beasts is vividly displayed. The word \'blood flowing into a river\' was born in the cold weapon war.

Such a battle made the soldiers on both sides red-eyed, thinking about how to put the other party to death faster, and all their minds were focused on the enemy.

However, this state was broken by other changes. A voice constantly surrounded the ears of the soldiers, whether it was the reckless army or the tide army, whether it was behind the battlefield or on the front line of the confrontation. The inexplicable voice appeared so abruptly, and it was difficult to be sure that the sound was made. Place.

"What\'s the sound?"

The Mang army and the bottom soldiers of the Chao Army stopped the battle tacitly. This should have been impossible. The chain of suspicion of life-and-death fighting is much stronger than the chain of suspicion formed by other situations. If you stop fighting, you don\'t want to kill the other party, and you can\'t guarantee that the other party doesn\'t want to kill you as much as you think, so once the short soldiers happen. Unless the winner can be divided, it is difficult to stop. 120

However, such an impossible thing, the inexplicable voice did it. The abnormal movement from the third party broke the state of the two and broke the chain of suspicion.

The soldiers on the battlefield looked around in surprise to find the sound source, but they all declared fruitless. At the same time, the sound was constantly amplified and enhanced, like some kind of monster making a sharp and harsh roar.

"Look up there!"

When the sound was enhanced to a certain extent, someone finally determined the source of the sound. As someone shouted and pointed to the sky, everyone tacitly looked up at the sky and saw more than a dozen dazzling fireballs slowly falling towards them on the sunny sky.

"What is that?"

"It\'s Tianzhu! Tianzhu fell down! Run for your life!"

The battlefield was suddenly in chaos, and no one wanted to be hit by such a thing.

It\'s strange that many people are not afraid of life and death, but they are afraid of avoiding the disaster. This situation has led to chaos in the battlefield. Although the cold weapon battlefield is originally a chaotic environment, they all maintain the basic order of \'killing the other party\'. After seeing the fireball falling from the sky, another kind of confusion The whole battlefield was shrouded, and all the soldiers fled far away from the battlefield to avoid being hit by fireballs. Because the chaos of the battlefield was difficult to distinguish between east, west and north and south, most of the soldiers did not go out no matter how they went.

In reality, there is no pause button, and the fireball will not stop falling and wait for the soldiers to fall after they are scattered.

When more than a dozen fireballs touched the ground from top to bottom, the bursting air wave suddenly overturned the space centered on the falling site, dozens of meters, and plowed all the soil in this range, as if it had been blown up by a shell.

The soldiers around him were thrown into the air by the air waves. Fortunately, they hit the ground and broke their bones. Unlucky, they directly hit the cold weapon and died on the spot.

The pit hit by the fireball is in the center, a round-looking sphere with wisps of white smoke.

Just as many soldiers dared to observe these spheres falling from the sky, a limb poked the sphere from the inside of the sphere, and The very strong sphere then broke like an eggshell.

The collectors who completed the landing observed the surrounding situation doubtfully, because their landing coordinates were selected as a relatively desolate place, far away from the town and even the beasts were rare. At the same time, there was no large vegetation, so they did not have to worry about the fire caused by the high temperature caused by the hard landing.

But at the first glance of observing the surface environment, I saw a circle of armored creatures, which made the reporter feel that they had landed in the wrong coordinates at the first time.

"Strange, how can there be so many creatures here? I remember it should be very desolate here. Did you land at the wrong place?

"No, it\'s this coordinate."

Compared with the doubts of the collectors, the on the side of the onlookers is fear, unprecedented fear, and the radiative spread of panic like a virus.

"Look! It\'s a monster--"

"Monsters emerged from the pearls falling from the sky--"

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