How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 640 - 641 Kicking to the Iron Plate

Chapter 640: Chapter 641 Kicking to the Iron Plate

The collectors began to discuss the coordination meeting in the channel.

"Our opponent is a very tricky guy... or a group of people?"

Some individuals took the lead in opening the topic, but this piece of information alone shows the current situation the collectors are facing, and they can\'t even figure out the specific number of enemies.

The collectors are not sure whether the thing that the coordination meeting uses to fight with the collectors can represent the coordination meeting as a whole or only a part of the whole coordination meeting. The collectors are not sure whether the only enemy they will face is the coordination meeting or the coordination meeting plus other supremes.

If the collectors defeat the coordination meeting, will the coordination meeting join other supremes to join the war?

If possible, the collectors do not want to fight with the powerful and inintelligent alien civilization of the Coordination Committee, but unfortunately they have no right to choose, because they take the initiative to attack them.

"In terms of all the information collected so far, the coordination will have the transstellar ability of superluminal speed and have the ability to attack beyond physical defense. From the intelligence, they are not as stupid as the Holy Worm State. They are well aware of their advantages."

The implication is that the coordination meeting has the ability to give full play to the advantages of the spiritual realm, which further increases the difficulty of collectors to formulate countermeasures.

Originally, when fighting with the Holy Worm, although it was easy for the collectors to win, they still felt a little powerless when fighting. The reason was that the technologies related to the spiritual realm were good that the people on the Holy Worm did not correctly recognize the way to maximize these technologies, so Only then will it be suppressed by the collectors.

But the coordination meeting is different. As for the performance of the other party from the battlefield, they can achieve cross-star spiritual domain jump, which shows that they have a higher spiritual domain application technology, and the meteorite of the new imperial fleet is the application performance of the more advanced spiritual realm. The collectors are very clear to each other, and I\'m afraid of subsequent operations. It will be very difficult.

"Is there a targeted confrontation method?"

Some individuals asked, but soon got the negative answer from other peers.

"There is too little information to analyze."

"The most troublesome thing is the seventh class in the supreme world, and the coordination meeting is only one of them."

The coordination committee is on the one hand, while other supreme existences learned from the interstellar traveler are on the other hand.

A coordination will be very powerful, and if there are a bunch of opponents at the same level as the coordination meeting, the chance of winning the collector will be infinitely close to zero, which is something they don\'t want to see.

"There is no information about these supreme cooperation for the time being, but this possibility cannot be ruled out."

The seventh-class supreme in the door world is too mysterious. Even the most flamboyant coordination meeting, the ordinary intelligent species in the door world know very little, not to mention other hidden supremes.

Except for the supreme himself, no one in the world knows what they are hiding for and why they make their behavior look so strange.

The intelligence is so small that collectors encounter many obstacles in formulating strategic deployments for the supreme.

Out of prudent attitude, some individuals in the collector made suggestions.

"We need a plan just in case, that is, the final means that can be taken in the face of a defeat on the whole front."

"Isn\'t this plan already prepared?"

The final method collectors are prepared, but they are not yet aware of the existence of the supreme. When they are still fighting with the Holy Worm State, they are formulated with the Holy Worm State as a template, which makes the final means not apply to enemies with transstellar speed of light.

"But the Supreme has transstellar capabilities at superlight speeds, and it is difficult for that scheme to threaten them."

"...It\'s true."

In the face of enemies with transstellar superluminal means, the collectors did not have a good target plan. The discussion of the coordination meeting strategy was deadlocked.

Time is passing by, and the coordination meeting will not act until the collectors have not discussed an exact targeted plan and deployed it.

A Leap Forward biological cluster, which has just finished the battle, anchored in the colonial star to repair its state.

Because of the coordination meeting, the battle of the collectors began to become conservative. After the battle, they will not stay in the attacked star system for a long time. After leaving a group of collectors responsible for construction, they will return to the colonial star for remediation and repair.

Nowadays, the Leap Forward biological cluster will not be too far away from the colonial star, which leads to a significant reduction in the propulsion speed, which can indeed ensure that the collectors\' overall defense line is always in the state of the highest combat power, all in order to be wary of the coordination committee.

"Everyone take a break and get ready to attack the next star system."

The cluster leader gave instructions to his peers in the radio communication channel.

"At present, it is progressing smoothly. In a few months, all the territories of the Holy Wormite and Inarihuang will be forcibly taken down by the ethnic groups."

"Now the only variable is left... there is a situation! All of you are in a state of battle!"

Suddenly, foreign bodies suddenly appeared in the star system. The biological individuals assigned to guard throughout the star system released an alarm radio at the moment of observation, which quickly spread throughout the star system within more than ten minutes. All the collectors knew the existence of the enemy, and the positioning signals of the children died. Lock the foreign body to death.

It is an object with a mother ship class. Organics and inorganic matter are mixed with each other without any sense of discord. It looks like a space fortress, but it is obviously not after a closer look, because there are many shaking tentacles and many seemingly meaningless gears turning on it, because there are no guns on it. Keep moving.

There is no doubt that this is the enemy that led to their destruction recorded in the wreckage of the New Imperial Fleet.

The collectors chose to take the lead. They don\'t know what kind of attack the enemy used when destroying the new imperial fleet, but they absolutely do not want to resist such an attack and destroy the enemy before launching the attack. The enemy\'s attack is also There is no way to talk about it - attack is the best defense!

In the mysterious universe, objects of the mothership-class volume emit extremely dazzling light, accompanied by those leaping creatures wrapped in light, which are as dazzling as another star in the starry sky.

That\'s the gamma rays of the collectors! The high-energy rays obtained by annihilating positive and negative materials hit the enemy with the weight of the mother ship class at the speed of light! If the energy carried by these rays converges to a point and lasts for a period of time, it is even enough to melt the moon!

When the light dissipated, something happened that surprised the collectors. The foreign body that invaded their star system was undamaged under the attack just now!

"Heat residue residue! No harm!"

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