The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 102 - It's Time For Tea

The general explained that he was helping to train the Queen\'s Order of Knights and noticed that some of the knights were not there. That was when they informed him that the rest had been assigned to guard someone. 

When they refused to tell him who it was, he came to look for Laina to find out more. 

"Your Highness, I respect your privacy but if there\'s such an important guest in our midst, I think I should be informed," Tobias justified his question. 

She knew her general was just looking out for her. He did not have any ill intentions. But in order for the plan to work, it was best that fewer people knew who Victoria was. 

"My apologies, general. I appreciate your concern and I apologize for not informing you about this. However, the identity of my personal guest must remain a secret from now. 

I also hope that you would keep this information to yourself. If anyone else finds out about this, we will have a problem," Laina explained. 

Though he knew she did not want to tell him, Tobias understood. He did not pry any further. But since he was here, he decided to find out if the Crown Princess had made up her mind about the Werewolf King. 

When that question came up, Laina was ready to give her answer. Though the words were at the tip of her tongue, she held back. If she revealed her sentiments about him now, her general would only try to convince her otherwise. 

"I am still considering, weighing the options. I need more time to reflect on it. If you\'ll excuse me, I need to get back to my duties, Tobias," Laina replied swiftly. 

She cut their conversation short and dove back into her work, hoping the general would take the hint and leave. Unable to pry any further, Tobias decided to take his leave as well and continue with his own duties. 

Margaret sensed the reason why Laina did not want to tell him either, so she did not ask any further. After her duties were done, Laina decided to pay Victoria a visit, hoping she was settled in. 

When she got to her room, a maid that had been assigned to take care of Victoria came forward to open the door. Laina almost did not recognize Victoria. After a much-needed bath, a haircut, and a new set of clothes, Victoria almost looked like a completely different person. 

Just as Victoria was about to get up from her seat to kneel, Laina stopped her, "You don\'t have to be so formal with me. Especially when we\'re not in a public setting."

As they both sat down on the sofa, Laina still could not believe the person before she was in fact Victoria. Even Kol hardly recognized her. 

"You look amazing, Victoria! I\'m glad the clothing fits you well," Laina praised. 

Victoria blushed a little, averting her gaze for a moment, "You\'re too kind, your Highness."

"I told you to call me Laina, remember?" She reminded her. 

"Ah yes, my apologies. I\'ll get there."

Seeing how refreshed she looked, Laina decided that it would be nice to show Victoria around the capital city. There was a popular street market and a few iconic sites that were popular among travelers. 

Some of these places, even Laina had not been to before. As Victoria listened to Laina introducing the various places, she seemed a little hesitant. Worried that she might still be tired, Laina suggested that they could go another day instead. 

"Oh, it\'s not that. I just… I don\'t want to burden you any further, Laina. I can go on my own or with the guards," Victoria suggested. 

She was worried that she was taking up too much of Laina\'s time. 

"What?" Laina was surprised that she would think this way. 

She placed her hands on Victoria\'s and said, "You\'re not a burden, Victoria! Besides, I\'ve already finished my duties for the day. It would be nice to take some air in the city."

Victoria bit her lip, "But if we were to go, will Kragen find us?" 

Laina shook her head, "Based on the intel we\'ve gathered, he\'s currently having the time of his life in Everfree. So he\'s nowhere near us. Why should we let him have all the fun? So, what do you say?"

Feeling a little more reassured, Victoria finally agreed. Elated, Laina went back to her room to get changed before she called for a carriage to take them into the city. Laina chose to wear something more casual so that she would not be spotted by the commoners. 

For protection, Kol, Margaret, and four knights followed them closely as they explored the city. They went from location to location, exploring the beautiful sites all around the city. 

By mid-afternoon, they were a little hungry so they decided to go to a tea saloon together. Margaret had made reservations for them. As soon as they arrived they were swiftly ushered to the balcony on the second floor. 

It was reserved just for them. From the full-length glass windows, they had a picturesque view of the Papillon Garden before them. 

Flowers were in full bloom, filling the air with aromatic fragrances. Butterflies of all colors flew gracefully through the air, pollinating flower after flower while sipping the nectar. 

"This view is amazing," Victoria gasped in wonder as she looked all around them. 

"It is, isn\'t it? A great choice, Margaret. You\'ve impressed our guest and me as well," Laina sang high praise. 

"Thank you, Your Highness. I\'m glad both of you like it," the handmaid bowed. 

The waitress brought them each a fresh pot of floral tea with matching teacups and saucers. Having seen the different sites in Wolfenheim, Laina wanted to find out more about it through Victoria. 

In exchange, Laina answered any question Victoria had about Kinshearth that she had seen so far. 

"You know, if you wish to stay in Kinshearth, that can be arranged," Laina suggested. 

Victoria bit her lip. Though life in Kinshearth seemed like a good fit for her, she felt as if her heart was still in Wolfenheim. That was where she grew up, where her family was. Her entire life was there. 

Even though she was not a werewolf, she still felt as if she belonged there. However, the shadow of the horrible memories she had of Kragen tainted it. Will she ever be able to walk out of it?

On the rooftops of the building on the opposite street, Cordelia the purple-haired witch watched them with her arms folded. She tapped on her arm, pissed to see what had developed. 

"That bastard Werewolf King is useless," she spat, "He can\'t even get this right, how does he intend on ruling the world?"

Margaret felt a presence spying on them. But when she turned to look at the building on the opposite streets, she did not see anyone. She tilted her eyes upwards to look on the roof then back down to street level. 

Still, she could not see anyone. The handmaid began to wonder if it was just her imagination. 

By the time Margaret had turned to look, Cordelia was long gone. She was on her way to Everfree, with crucial intel to report to the Alpha Werewolf King. 

<Writing Prompt #4 - Dragon riding>

"Are you ready, Felicity?" Marianne asked as she pated the young woman on her back. 

Felicity tightened her hold on the sapphire dragon\'s neck. This was her first attempt flying on Safir, her sapphire dragon. A voice chimed in her mind to calm her palpitating heart. 

-Trust me, Felicity, you\'re going to love this.- Safir reassured her. 

-My... my life is in your hands, Safir!- Felicity replied through telepathy. 

The nervous dragon rider took in a huge breath of air before turning to Marianne, "I\'m ready. Ready as I\'ll ever be."

Marianne smiled, "That\'s the spirit! Now, go!" 

Safir unfurled his wings. Felicity felt her stomach in her throat as Safir took her up into the sky. She had her eyes closed as the forces worked against her. She leaned in close to her dragon\'s neck, hanging on for dear life. 

She could feel the wind on her face. Lucky for her, she was wearing goggles to protect her eyes. Safir did a somersault in the air, causing Felicity to scream as she felt her whole world turned upside down. 

The dragon could not help but chuckle, amused by his human rider. He understood her fears, so he stabilized his flying patterns and encouraged her to open her eyes. 

"Are... are you sure?" Felicity asked as she trembled in fear. She squeezed her eyes shut so tightly, it was beginning to hurt. 

-I\'m certain, open your eyes, Felicity.- Safir reassured her. 

Putting her faith in her dragon, Felicity slowly opened her eyes. As she readjusted to the scenery before her, she gasped in shock. They were flying above the clouds. Soft cotton-like clouds were beneath them. In front of them was an endless blue sky. 

A smile appeared upon Felicity\'s face. 

"It\'s beautiful."

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