Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 162 - Choices

Currently this room was filled with the division heads and Alex\'s closest people. A young man knelt before him and another one was still crying asking for Alex to give one of the Panacea serum for a critical patient there in a room next to theirs.

Who was this person to Alex? Lieutenant Chris was one of thousands platoon leaders in the Star army. And currently Alex only had 15 serums in his hands. Was it wise enough to give this serum for that person? The threats of End-time would be just augmented, even though this Panacea serum would be increased rapidly as well, but in this circumstances there were only 10 serums available for every one month. Whereas, ever since the End-time had taken place, the headquarters had grown from 2000 to 600,000 people in as short as 3 months. Everyone in the room was thinking about the same thing: How could Alex decide whose to give, whose not?

"Leader, please give one serum to Lieutenant Chris!" Dylan pleaded again

At this time, a certain bodyguard walked forward and tried to take Dylan and Cynthia away. But Alex got in his way. All of them were waiting for Alex\'s decision silently.

Alex finally said,

"I cannot give this serum to a random person.. At the moment, I could only give it to those who had grant special contribution to the Star army. But in the end, since this serum is mine, it\'d be my absolute prerogative to decide who it\'s coming to"

Hearing Alex\'s word suddenly made Dylan feel depressed. If you think about it deeper, this serum indeed did not grow on trees, too valuable . This serum could determine a person\'s life or death, then of course it would not be given away offhandedly. But seeing Lieutenant Chris, who had trained him, got injured in order to save him and also his troops last night ... plus the sound of tears dripping from the girl next to him, all of this made Dylan throw his logic far away.

"Leader ... Please, give me one of those serums, I am willing to do anything for you ... I swear I will give my life to safeguard the Star headquarters"

Alex felt obligated to save the man\'s life actually ... But right at that time he wanted to keep as much of this serum as possible for his own family and for the spirit enhancer fighters. However, Alex had his thumbs up for this young man\'s spirit and sincerity, as it reminded him that this young man had helped him in the battle last night as well, then he finally decided.

"What is your name?"

"Dylan, Sir"

"So Dylan, you know that this serum is very limited and it is not easy to give it away offhandedly, but let\'s consider it as a gift for helping me in the battle against black zombies last night."

Alex handed the serum over to Dylan, and Dylan accepted it delightfully. But Alex did not finish his words yet ... He looked at Dylan sternly.

"Dylan. I give this serum to you because of your contribution you had given. Now,as it is yours, you can give it to anyone ... "

Dylan was about to give it to Doctor Diao to be injected immediately into Lieutenant Chris\'s body but the what Alex said next took Dylan unawares.

"Before you make your decision straight away, please give it a thought, it might be your first and last serum you ever had ... you might never have it again. Are you sure you want to give the serum to that man?..."

This word make Dylan hesitate..

"I see that you really care about the girl next to you, think about it and answer my question, if both of them were somehow situated in the same condition, who would you give the serum to? "

Alex wanted to give this young man some little lesson so that he had the ability to make the right decision, and Alex was curious to about the decision he would committed to.

Dylan gasped for a moment. The serum was still in his hands. But in his heart, he already knew what the answer to Alex\'s question. Surely he would choose Cynthia. Dylan looked at Cynthia and had no word spoken ... but suddenly something caught him off guard.

Cynthia took the serum from Dylan\'s hand and gave it to Doctor Diao

"Here it is, Doc, please give it to the patient immediately"


Alex smiled from ear to ear when he saw what the girl in front of him did just now.

"What is your name?"


"Cynthia ... Tell me why did you do that?"

"Leader, whoever Dylan chooses, either give the serum to me or to Lieutenant, it still means that this serum would still go to Lieutenant Chris\'s hands, because even if Dylan gave it to me, I would choose to give it to Lieutenant Chris as well."

"Interesting ... Then why don\'t you hesitate at all giving it to him?"

"Leader, I have no clue for what tomorrow would bring, but today this man right in front of me needs this serum. That\'s all."

"Good answer!"

The girl who just cried could do that without thinking, it was very memorable for Alex. After seeing the serum was given to Lieutenant Chris, Alex and the group head to the next location.

On their way to the next location, Devita\'s heart suddenly sank. It\'s just two days ago she gave the serum to Tiffany\'s pet cat …

"If Alex knew about this, would I drive him to the wall? ... Hmm ... It shouldn\'t be... Tiffany is Alex\'s beloved daughter ... the happiness of his daughter is absolutely on top of everything ... right?"

Alex\'s wife thought about it trying to justify her doings herself.

The next location was right next to the medical center where the research laboratory was located. In this case, James Randall was very enthusiastic, but gloominess emanated from Doctor Rachel\'s eyes.

"I\'m sorry, Mr. Alex, Mr. Randall. Even along with the best scientists, we haven\'t made any progress in our research until this time"

"Don\'t worry, Doctor ... show me"

The research about the spirit stone requested by Alex was came up with nothing.  We had tested this spirit stone in any kind of way. We had heated it, freeze it, processed it in high pressure ... Yet this spirit stone wasn\'t even scratched. The very interesting part was when it consumed with oral method as easy as it was. This spirit stone could be easily dissolved directly into the body ... we, scientists, believed that this spiritual stone was not just a mineral. But also something that was biological.


"That\'s all I can explain for this time"

James Randal walked toward Doctor Rachel.

"Doctor. What about the analysis result of the new weapons I sent earlier, is there any progress?"

Doctor Rachel took them into one certain room. There, on the table, was a laser cannon gun taken from James\'s office in Surabaya. It had been more than a month since the weapons, which used precious stones as energy material, arrived here. Doctor Rachel and his scientists team had also studied the blueprint design of this weapon.

"We could apprehend and understand how to make this weapon, but our current research facility does not have sufficient equipment to replicate this weapon."

James decided to stay for a while to discuss the progress details with Doctor Rachel while Alex and the group continued heading to their next destination, a block at one side of the west-end of the Star headquarters. A next giant hangar was at this location. The hangar which was a botanical garden where all kinds of hydroponic greeneries and others were planted.

The location of the botanical garden hangar was next to the west gate. River gate, a door that faced towards the majestic mountain and also the river Tukad that flew alongside the agricultural fields covering more than 100 hectares.

This botanical garden and agricultural rice field area was managed by an agricultural division led by Jane, a plant spirit enhancer. After 2 months of exploring his special strengths, Jane could more easily understand about the plants around her. She knew about the time to water the plants or  when it\'s too much water given. What fertilizer was more suitable and useful for the plant or when was the most appropriate time to harvest the plant. All she did was done without equipment or experiments. Now he could really be called a \'plant whisperer\'

The current one hundred hectare agricultural project was very successful. The results obtained reached around 30-50 percent in quantity higher than the most experienced farmers had. The highly trained farmers generally could produce 20-30 tons of potatoes per hectare but the yields from the plantation under Jane\'s supervision could reach 40 tons per hectare. A total of 4000 tons per one harvest time. This amount was enough to produce about 350 thousand pieces of potatoes per day. It seemed that Star Army residents need to get used to eat potatoes as their daily meal.

As for the hydroponic plants showed some significant results as well. The botanical garden block was very useful for growing some plants for further proceed as food supplements or medicine.

Alex saw many different kinds of vegetables and fruits in this botanical garden. Spinach, lettuce, tomato, broccoli, chili, orange and many more. Alex tried to pick a tomato, it was not too red, it still felt heavy when it plucked, the skin was tight and there were no stains. It was really tempting. Alex bit it without further delay.

Craunch !.

Very high quality tomato. After seeing the results of the reports from each plant, Alex realized Jane\'s ability to take care of this botanical garden was far more impressive than the agricultural fields outside. The botanical garden was her specialty. Not to mention the maximum results, even the speed of growth of this plant was also double than normal. The seeding that usually need 40 days of work, could be finished in 20 days. Jane could maximize the growth of a plant that should require different nutrients and climate in one room together. Alex realized that Jane had also achieved breakthroughs and gained special abilities as a spirit enhancer.

Ever since 2 months ago Jane had also been trusted to head this headquarters farm. As for the current livestock, other than black chickens,  it had been successfully collected around 500 livestock products. It was insufficient amount compared to 500 thousand of the population, but at this time, 80% of eggs produced were stored to increase the number of livestock. Jane estimated, the number of chickens would reach more than 20,000 head within 5 months.

Alex was very happy to hear this. There was a unique mystery from this chicken that made him, thought about the importance for this headquarters to develop it. Consuming this mutation chicken gradually could increase the body\'s resistance against fire. Even if it\'s not too much, anything that could increase the level of human safety might be useful.

One of the surprises was that the fish farming experiment project which had been running for the last two months had been quite successful. Among the several types of fish, they found that many of the fishes were too aggressive and some of them could no longer breed. Finally, the experiment found a type of fish that was already familiar as livestock farming at this base. African catfish. The fish was quite commonly known and consumed by the people of Indonesia. Although it\'s not the most delicious type of fish to eat, but in the End-time like this, anything would taste good. As the saying goes \'beggars can not be choosy\'. Unfortunately this type of fish was not Indonesian local products, but imported fish from Taiwan. So, Jane and her personnels did not find too many samples. It\'s only about 1,000 fish were now being cultivated. Jane hoped that this number would grow in the future.

The next division was the supply department, seeing the food production, it\'s time to make some calculation, was it enough to support 500 thousand inhabitants through the End-time?

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