Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 705 - Building The Array

"What should we do now?" Doaf asked and Arthur took out the map he drew before.

"We need to make the array in these places," he said before adding, "but as I said before, the materials needed will cause some trouble."

"Then it\'s best to let them do it," Amera said while pointing towards the sleepy monsters and the other ones who went to feed on what they just killed.

"They build it and we defend the place," Doaf said, "sounds like a good plan."

"Indeed," Arthur agreed, "I\'ll take out all the mechas and the dragons I have… we need to be prepared."

"Wow, will you bring a deadly monster here or what?" Amera laughed while Arthur remained silent.

He knew how much materials were needed to build this array, and that would cause a lot of trouble without doubt.

"How long will they sleep?" Amera asked after the passage of four hours without doing anything.

"I frankly dunno," Arthur shrugged, "they just started their evolution."

"That means they will have a couple of more days at least," Doaf was speechless for a moment, "I thought they were sleeping."

"If so then we should change the plan," Amera said, "let Doaf\'s team scatter the materials and my boys will hold the fort."

"Why don\'t you build it and I defend the place?" Doaf complained.

"You are much wiser," she said before laughing, "and I\'m far deadlier than you."


"Alright, we will do it Amera\'s way," Arthur stopped the two from proceeding into another debate, "but Doaf had to select some of his capable men and join your forces."

Doaf grinned and Amera only harrumphed before the two prepared everything.

"Here is the map Golak," Doaf  selected one of his capable men to be responsible for building up this array, "make sure to follow the lines and not bypass it."

Golak glanced at the map for brief minutes before checking the current topography. "This array extends beyond our own territory here," he said.

"Don\'t worry, we\'ll support you," Amera reassured, "plus most of the nearby monsters were already killed by us."

"Just build and we\'ll deal with everything else," Doaf said, "but try not to waste any time on that."

"I\'ll take less than half a day to lay this array," Golak promised and Arthur doubted his words. After all, the array required them to dig slightly deep in the mountains, and the most tricky part wasn\'t only that.

They needed to keep the materials buried on the same line, which was the hardest part of the plan.

"I\'ll keep company with you," Arthur said to Golak, "and provide the materials in batches."

"Great," Amera said, "let\'s start then."

"Take out the materials," Arthur said to Gege, who started to take out the bones and flesh of the ancient monsters stored under her garden.


Just as the materials were taken, many roars appeared from all over the place. Even the monsters here roared in response, yet with the grand formation of Amera and Doaf forces, they didn\'t move a finger.

They were greedy to take possession of these ancient monsters\' flesh and bones, but they weren\'t stupid to face such deadly force head on.

They all saw what the couple did to much larger and equally strong monsters.

"You know how to make a party," Amera laughed before turning to her men, "let\'s go boys, we have some crazy monsters to kill."

"Start digging," Doaf said to Golak before leaving with Amera to welcome the newcomers.

As for Golak, he started to order his men to use their strongest hits on the mountains around. As Arthur saw it, just a couple of hits were required to dig a deep hole inside each mountain.

"They are fast," he commented, "he might end it up in less than half a day."

He silently watched from above the work others did while taking a glimpse from time to time to the surrounding fight.

Doaf and Amera were brutal! They welcomed all the monsters with strength that they couldn\'t face.

As for the monsters belonging to Arthur\'s pet, they resigned themselves to eating what was left after such a massacre. As Arthur saw it, the amount of those monsters were no less than what he brought out before and they were higher in quality.

"If this continues I believe they will be able to evolve soon," he muttered while watching the large number of monsters streaming non-stop towards here.

"Keep the line," Golak shouted, distracting him from following the fight far away, "we need to keep the materials at the same level."

"He knows his stuff," Arthur commented while watching Golak taking extreme care to such fine details.

As time passed, the array finally reached the places where Doaf and Amera were fighting.

"Take out the mechas and dragons," Arthur said, "and take that werewolf and his team out… I believe they will be able to help."

\'Ding! Those surrenders might cause trouble,\' the system warned.

"Then I won\'t hesitate to kill some to teach them a lesson.

The next moment a large number of mechas numbering in the tens of thousands appeared next to his werewolf and thousand slaves and thousand dragons.

Arthur kept himself busy all the time but never forgot to summon dragons each day. He had now roughly one thousand dragons, mostly formed out of the corpses of those higher realms monsters and mages.

So when these dragons appeared in this world, they happily roared while flying around in extreme joy. "They are quite energetic," Arthur laughed while feeling their power soar like never before.

\'Ding! They belong to this world,\' the system said, \'Ding! But they never got the chance to feel the powerful energy here. This experience will strengthen them greatly and turn them into more powerful dragons.\'

"I like that," Arthur laughed, "I\'m waiting for the day when I can summon tens of thousands using one time ability."

\'Ding! That is possible,\' the system said before laughing, \'Ding! But that will require you to level up your ability to the extreme.\'

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