Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 169 - 169 Ambush

An armor clad individual stood in front of what could clearly be seen as a laser machine, the individual stood at its back uneasily gazing at its small screen as he waited impatiently for his target to get into the desired position, judging from his nervousness and impatience it was obvious that whatever it was he wanted to do wasn’t something that should see the light of day. A few seconds later the screen gave a short beep indicating the target was about to enter range, the armor clad figure gave a sigh of relief as he thought ‘thankfully the coordinates did not change, this far out from the nearest star is perfect for the machine.’ Keeping his gaze on the screen he waited with bated breath as the colour on the screen flashed signifying the target was locked on, although the target was moving at superluminal speeds shuttling through the surface layer of space the individual dressed in modern day combat armor was still confident in the laser’s ability. With a push of the button the already charged gun shot a speedy beam into the distance. The next moment the smile that had crept unto his face froze as he screamed internally ‘give me another chan..’

Layton who was resting leisurely on his ship suddenly felt something, his instincts were screaming at him although he didn’t know where the danger was coming from he didn’t hesitate to take action, his bio magnetic field surged increasing his defence as a subtle frequency wave swept out of his body sending a message to his ship just as a laser shot into the space bubble that enabled the spaceship’s faster than light movement, a loud explosion naturally ensued as the destruction of the space bubble caused it to implode, leaving Layton standing in space alone, although he was a little ruffled he wasn’t fatally injured the little injuries he acquired had already been healed. Dressed in a simple black combat uniform Layton stood in space unarmed as he stared into the emptiness that was space, although the attack earlier was a surprise Layton knew it wasn’t the real danger, the inexplicable attack earlier seemed more to serve the purpose of getting rid of his transportation and means of escape.

Sure enough a moment later a boundless world seemed to manifest and came crashing down towards Layton. Layton could clearly realize this was a projection of a domain, although it looked magnificent it had already lost its potential for growth, a method like this wasn’t scarce and it was mainly used by world masters who were ready to give up everything, the domain would rapidly evolve and form a small world to provide over the limit strength and by doing this the imprint of the user on the domain would soon be erased even without the death of the user the domain would be eroded by the boundless laws of the plane and would either naturally dissipate taking the life of its user or would miraculously remain partially intact to form a natural treasure or other precious resources. Apart from the fact that it takes some time for this move to be activated most world masters did not like to use such a method as individuals who did so were without hope for resurrection by any means possible even with the help of immortals who possessed the strength to go reverse a section of time.

With the descent of the huge world, Layton confirmed the assailant was holding nothing back and wanted his life, the cover of the projection made him unable to easily escape so he could only do nothing but fight, with a short shout, Layton’s body rapidly expanded as he drew energy from the surroundings to strengthen himself, the energy was then rapidly undergoing fission and fusion in his cells to eliminate impurities and put him in the best state, with a start he sent a huge punch towards the descending world, the force and strength of the fist travelled through space and shook the surrounding in a peculiar manner destroying its stability causing a domino effect making the projection become unstable and start to collapse on its self.

Before Layton could give a sigh of relief an armor clad individual appeared in the dissipating domain and with a swift movement of the blade in his hands a peculiar law containing a cold mechanical procedure radiated from him, Layton’s face changed as he felt this and tried to swiftly move away but it was too late, the domain heading toward destruction stabilized for a split second before collapsing once again but this time it was different the previous collapse could be said to be chaotic, slow, not structured but the movement of the individual with an indifferent and mechanical gaze seemed to give it a new feeling, one of cold mechanical order that couldn’t be violated even with its demise. With that order, the collapsing world instead closed in on itself shattering the structure of the surrounding space and creating a black hole that swallowed everything nearby, including Layton and the individual who made the attack

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