A Husband For Killer Mom

Chapter 85

“Think about it yourself. It wouldn’t be any fun if I told you straight away.”

Richard turned away with a satisfied smile that Anxia couldn’t see.

Anxia stared at her husband’s back with pent-up emotions, and she felt like she was starting to regret not killing this man last night.

What a crazy man!


Anxia gasped in surprise when Richard called out and turned to look at her with one eyebrow raised. Anxia wondered if she had voiced her curse just now. Did he hear her?

“You don’t want to come back? If you come back downstairs while I’m sleeping, I’m not sure I won’t pounce on you.”

Anxia hurriedly walked over to Richard as if she was petrified that she would be eaten raw by this predator.


Richard chuckled, seeing Anxia catching up quickly, and without waiting for him, the girl had already stepped down the stairs to leave him.

Ah, he would look forward to anything his wife would do to please him.

Richard knew right from the start that he would not be able to get his wife to approach him voluntarily, and he had to try hard to get close to his wife. He also knew very well as long as his wife’s heart was still as hard as a rock, no matter what advance he took, it would not be able to touch his wife’s heart.

That’s why he used Ling Meng to make Anxia willing to approach him first. Richard deliberately didn’t tell her anything, only because he wanted Anxia to learn more about him.

The more Anxia knew about him, the better chance he had of winning over her. Besides, he had no flaws, after all.

(flashback ends)






Anxia repeatedly gave a long sigh, knowing she wouldn’t be able to learn anything to make her husband delighted. She knew nothing about him except that he was a businessman and Stanley Calvin’s eldest son.

Aside from that, Anxia didn’t know anything about the man.

“Mommy, did he tell you something he liked?”

Anxia shook her head disappointedly, then closed her eyes to rest as if her body was exhausted. “Should I give up?” but she still wanted to see Ling Meng.

“How about we ask Calydta? Maybe she knows daddy’s favorite things?” Lori’s suggestion made Anxia open her eyes again.

Calydta? Why does it feel like her daughter already regarded the woman as a second mother?

“Lori, who is Calydta? Why do you keep mentioning her name?”

“She’s my new friend. Daddy asked her to look after me whenever you’re busy.”

In other words, Richard had provided a babysitter for their daughter?

Anxia didn’t like this at all, and she didn’t want her daughter getting other people’s upbringing. She would rather raise her daughter than give the position of mother to someone else.

She should talk about this with Richard.

“Calydta said you both needed some time alone, so I can have baby brother sooner!”

“...” Yeah. She needed to talk about Calydta to Richard as soon as possible. Anxia didn’t want her innocent angel-like baby to get the wrong teaching.

But before that, she wanted to see what kind of Calydta that had made her curious since yesterday. She had seen the woman a few times but didn’t pay much attention to her.

At that time, her eyes only focused on Richard, and the hatred blinded her so that she could regard no one but the man.

To her, the other maids and workers were nothing but insignificant roles. That was why she didn’t need to be wary of the maids or other palace workers.

Now she didn’t hate Richard as much; she could see her surroundings with a cool head. Anxia decided to meet Calydta and lecture the girl about teaching Lori some words that are not for a toddler.

She still vividly remembered yesterday morning when they had breakfast together; her innocent daughter said something that would make anyone misinterpret.

Since both of them were awake, Lori took her mother out for a walk while looking for Calydta. Lori acted like a tour guide and told her how many rooms there were in this palace.

Unlike Anxia, who had not yet explored this huge palace, Lori had almost finished going around and memorized the paths leading to her room, her father’s and mother’s.

Through her daughter’s story, Anxia understood why Lori admired Calydta so much because that woman was always with her and took her around to see something new.

The moment they arrived at the ground floor, they were greeted by an elegant middle-aged woman with a very distinctive motherly smile.

Anxia thought this woman was in her late thirties or early forties.

“Good morning, madam, good morning, little princess.” greeted the woman, still wearing the same smile.

“Good morning, Calydta.” Lori’s sweet reply made Anxia’s eyes widen in shock.

This woman is Calydta? Shouldn’t Calydta be a young girl like the other maids? At least that was what she was thinking, but clearly, she was wrong... a big time!

“Breakfast is ready. Do you want to have breakfast first?” like a good maid, Calydta asked softly and politely.

Anxia realized something by looking away from the woman.

Since the first day Anxia came here, Anxia had made enemies out of the maids, so she wasn’t that surprised when the maids looked at her sarcastically and immediately avoided her.

But Calydta was different from other maids. This woman looked at her warmly and did not avoid her. In fact, she didn’t sense any drama, as if the head maid genuinely thought of her as the mistress of this place.

“Is Richard awake?”

“He is, madam. But he said he would not join us for breakfast because he had work.”

“He won’t have breakfast? But he would be hungry, wouldn’t he, mommy?”

“Who knows?” was her indifferent answer. Why should she care whether Richard is starving or not?

“How about you bring the meal to the master?” suggested the head maid, earning an excited cheer from the little girl.

“That’s a brilliant idea. Mommy, would you do it? For me, pleaseeeeee,”

Ugh! How could she say no when her beloved baby girl showed her deadly puppy eyes?

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