Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 105 Felix Finding Out (Aron's Trojan Horse)

The news continued to spread rapidly, reaching an increasing number of individuals until it eventually reached Adolf, the dictator. And without wasting time he immediately called Felix wanting to know more about the stunt that CONNECT was pulling.

"Hello, Your Excellency," Felix respectfully responded as he answered the phone.

"What is the meaning of this stunt? Are you deliberately aiming for financial losses in the initial years just to avoid paying me?" Adolf shouted, his voice resounding through the phone.

"Your Excellency, it appears there has been a misunderstanding on your part. This complimentary telecommunication offer is made possible through an advertising partnership we have secured.

Hence, the message was accompanied by the condition that users must switch their phone\'s operating system to GAIA OS in order for them to benefit from it," Felix explained, making an effort to maintain a composed tone despite growing frustration with the dictator\'s demeanor.

"Give me the details about the offer" Adolf demanded, displaying a complete lack of trust. Adolf saw this as an opportunity to vent his dissatisfaction over signing a contract that delayed dividend payments by almost a year and three months.

"They are compensating us with a sum of 100 million for offering free telecommunication services to all GAIA OS users in Eden for a duration of 6 months," Felix replied, maintaining his composure as best he could.

"If that\'s the case, then it\'s satisfactory," Adolf acknowledged before abruptly ending the phone call, leaving Felix stunned with the phone still pressed to his ear. He restrained himself from shouting out his frustration, holding his emotions in check.

"I really need to control myself or one day I might lose control of myself and just end up shouting back at him ruining everything I had worked hard to accomplish." Felix contemplated, recognizing the need to keep his emotions in check. 

However, a question lingered in his mind. "Why did Aron agree to pay the dividends? He\'s someone stubborn enough to resist the Department of Defense\'s attempts to acquire his program forcibly to the point that he sent them to court trying to annul the FISA order," he pondered, realizing that Aron likely had no intention of paying any dividends to the dictator at all.

"If Aron had intended to pay the dividends, he would have opted for a quarterly or semi-annual payment structure as that would make the dictator look at them in a positive light. However, him deliberately choosing a yearly dividends payment, despite knowing it would displease the dictator, suggests that he has a plan in motion that should come to fruition within a year," Felix speculated, delving into his own hypothesis. "Moreover, his reasoning for the yearly payment is bullshit as our calculation indicated that we would have already begun earning profits by the fourth month following consolidation, making the need for a yearly payment questionable," he reasoned, addressing each question that arose in his mind.

"Furthermore, why choose to advertise the company and incentivize people to switch to GAIA OS with free internet, incurring expenses of 100 million dollars in the process?" Felix questioned, delving deeper into his analysis.

"It suggests that whatever Aron is planning is contingent upon the majority, if not everyone, in the country, having access to the internet and other telecommunication services," he pondered, recognizing the significance of widespread connectivity for Aron\'s undisclosed scheme.

One by one, he eliminated possibilities until only a single revelation remained. As the realization struck him, Felix abruptly rose from his chair, taken aback by the astonishing revelation. Overwhelmed with astonishment, he couldn\'t contain himself and exclaimed, "Holy shit!"

"He\'s becoming increasingly bold," Felix murmured as he paced back and forth, his hands gripping the back of his head. The weight of the realization still gripping him, he trembled with fear, apprehensive that someone might uncover this plan.

However, Felix gradually managed to regain his composure as he recognized that his ability to reach such a conclusion was a result of his close friendship with Aron.

Having an intimate understanding of Aron\'s character and thought processes allowed him to discern the true implications behind each decision. With this realization, a sense of reassurance washed over Felix, soothing his earlier fears.

"But how does he intend to utilize the telecommunication infrastructure to instigate a regime change?" Felix pondered aloud, his mind consumed by the question.

"Ahaaaa, the program he entrusted me to use for the new company!" Felix exclaimed, the realization hitting him like a bolt of lightning.

"Through that program, he has gained complete control over the entire country\'s internet infrastructure. With people switching to GAIA OS, a system he personally created, he can manipulate and control the information accessed by everyone within the country," he concluded, astounded by the magnitude of Aron\'s plan.

"Holy mother!" Felix exclaimed, his heart nearly leaping out of his chest as he comprehended the vast scale of manipulation one could achieve with complete control over the entire country\'s internet access. The implications were staggering, and a shiver ran down his spine at the thought.

"There are a few missing pieces in my calculations to complete the puzzle. A regime change requires a figurehead, but Aron cannot be the one to become the next leader, as it would be perceived as a hostile takeover by both the people and other governments, leading to never-ending sanctions," Felix contemplated. After a brief moment of reflection, he concluded that Aron must have already identified someone who would serve as the figurehead for the new regime.

"But what does he stand to gain from this plan?" Felix questioned himself, attempting to discern the motives that would drive Aron to orchestrate a regime change in another country. His mind raced, exploring various possibilities that could explain Aron\'s ulterior motives behind such a grand scheme.

After a brief period of contemplation, Felix reached a conclusion. "Control," he uttered, realizing that Aron\'s primary objective was to gain extensive control over the situation. 

However, he couldn\'t help but feel that this was an excessive reaction on Aron\'s part, considering it was merely a matter of being compelled to surrender a program to the government.

"Unless..." Felix paused, a peculiar and somewhat absurd thought emerging in his mind. "What if he possesses something even greater than everything he has released thus far, and he fears it being taken away from him once again?" he contemplated aloud, the notion presenting itself as a plausible explanation for Aron\'s extreme measures.

In the wake of this realization, Felix couldn\'t contain his laughter, overcome with a sense of irony.

The dictator, Adolf, had unknowingly supported Aron\'s consolidation of power, blinded by his own greed and narrow vision. It was akin to inviting an enemy into one\'s own house without even realizing it.

"Ah, Adolf, poor you," Felix uttered, a mix of empathy and satisfaction in his voice. All the pent-up frustration he had endured from constantly humbling himself in front of the dictator, no matter how rudely Adolf treated him, now seemed to dissipate like dust being washed away by water. 

Simultaneously, he couldn\'t help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy for his friend Aron, recognizing the successful execution of the Trojan horse maneuver on a national scale.

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